Hands-on Fathering Pays Off for the Kids
Have you noticed the number of movies and sit-coms that consistently portray men as oafs or barely useful for anything significant? The Barbie movie hammered home the latter. You might think it odd to post about fathering on the Paragon Orthopedic Center website, but recent research about this subject is worthy of noting. A major study done in Japan of over 28,000 children showed there is a significant impact on a child’s well-being when the father is involved in the rearing of children. A few of the measurable, positive impacts were better gross and fine motor skills, problem solving, and social skills than those whose fathers were not involved. “The risk of a developmental delay in children with highly involved fathers was 24% lower,” according to the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Tsuguhiko Kato. Paragon Orthopedic Center has a group of physicians who are highly involved in the rearing of their children, and you are likely to see them in public attending or even leading various kid-centered activities. We encourage all of the fathers of Southern Oregon to become more hands-on to give your children the best chances for success in life. Here is a summary in the Wall Street Journal: