
Arthritis is a disease that affects an estimated one in four adults in the United States. It is a common term for a group of conditions characterized by swelling and tenderness in the joints. With pain ranging from generally mild to severe and…

Skiing and snowboarding season is here, and these sports are a fantastic way to keep you active and enjoying the snowy season. But before you hit the slopes, remember that skiing and snowboarding also come with a risk of injury. Read on for more…

As with many things in life, balance is harder to maintain as we age. We all tend to feel less stable on our feet as we get older and this could be due to a multitude of factors such as loss of muscle mass, vision and hearing changes, medical…

Changes in the snow conditions, fatigue, binding release failure, or falling in an awkward manner, can all cause twisting falls, or ligaments and tendons to tear and in the most severe circumstances the joint to dislocate and bones to break. To…

Practice doesn’t always make perfect, especially if you are training too often or improperly. Overuse injuries are caused by repetitive stress to a muscle, bone or tendon can be subtle and develop over time. 

These injuries can happen…

No matter a person’s age, staying mobile, healthy, and fit should be a priority. The best way to ensure you are maintaining your ultimate mobility and joint health is to consider four different types of physical activity.

A person’s weekly…

Outpatient surgery is a type of surgery that allows patients to return home on the same day as their procedure and they occur in an outpatient (ambulatory) surgery center.

Many patients are surprised to learn that most orthopedic surgeries…

When non-surgical treatments for a knee injury are not reducing pain, it is time to try a surgical approach.

Knee replacement surgery is a big commitment, and it is important to be fully informed about the process and the recovery. Finding…

It happens in an instant. It’s that winced one-legged hop after a tough interaction on the soccer field, the unpleasant roll of an ankle when walking a trail, or a painful shoulder grab after a powerful volley on the court…then comes the need for…

The spine surgery experts at Southern Oregon Orthopedics specialize in using the most innovative, minimally invasive techniques to treat pain and return patients to work and the activities of daily living as soon as possible.

Two types of…